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Convert Binary to Text / English or ASCII Binary Translator. Enter binary numbers (E.g: 01000101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101) and click the Convert button


A binary translator, also known as a binary code translator, is a software tool or program that converts data or instructions between binary code and human-readable text or other data representations. Binary code consists of sequences of 0s and 1s, which represent specific instructions or data values in the binary numeral system.

There are two primary types of binary translators:

  1. Binary to Text Translator: This type of binary translator converts binary code into human-readable text or characters. It can be used to decode binary data into ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters or other character encodings.

  2. Text to Binary Translator: This type of binary translator performs the reverse operation, converting human-readable text or characters into binary code. It is often used to encode text data into binary representations for various purposes, such as binary file creation or data transmission.

Below, I'll provide an overview of how each type of binary translator works:

  1. Binary to Text Translator:
    • Input: A binary string or a sequence of binary values (0s and 1s).
    • Output: The corresponding text or character representation of the binary input.

The process of converting binary to text involves several steps:

a. Divide the binary input into groups of 8 bits (1 byte), as each byte can represent one ASCII character.

b. Convert each 8-bit group (byte) into its decimal equivalent.

c. Map the decimal value to its corresponding ASCII character according to the ASCII table.

d. Concatenate the resulting characters to form the final text representation.

For example:

Binary input: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 (corresponding to the word "Hello" in ASCII)

Step 1: Divide into bytes -> 01001000 | 01100101 | 01101100 | 01101100 | 01101111

Step 2: Convert each byte to decimal -> 72 | 101 | 108 | 108 | 111

Step 3: Map each decimal value to ASCII characters -> 'H' | 'e' | 'l' | 'l' | 'o'

Step 4: Concatenate the characters -> "Hello"

  1. Text to Binary Translator:
    • Input: Human-readable text or characters.
    • Output: The binary representation of the input text.

The process of converting text to binary involves the reverse steps of the binary to text conversion:

a. Map each character to its corresponding decimal value according to the ASCII table.

b. Convert each decimal value into an 8-bit binary representation.

c. Concatenate the binary representations of all characters to form the final binary code.

For example: Text input: "Hello"

Step 1: Map each character to ASCII decimal value -> 'H' (72) | 'e' (101) | 'l' (108) | 'l' (108) | 'o' (111)

Step 2: Convert each decimal value to 8-bit binary -> 01001000 | 01100101 | 01101100 | 01101100 | 01101111

Step 3: Concatenate the binary representations -> 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111

In practice, binary translators can be used in various fields, including computer programming, data encoding, cryptography, and data communication. They facilitate the conversion between human-readable text and binary representations, allowing computers and humans to interact with each other effectively.

If "biner translate" refers to binary translation, as mentioned earlier, it involves converting data or instructions between binary code and human-readable text or other data representations.